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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is there an update from the latest public consultation?

A: Covid times have demonstrated that retail and housing demands are changing rapidly. We have therefore asked Tower Hamlets Council for permission to deliver more affordable homes, which will be available to rent rather than to buy privately. We have also proposed some minor changes to the design of the buildings, some of the retail layouts and to the amenity spaces. The exhibition took residents through these changes before we went back to Tower Hamlets Council to submit our revised planning application.

Q: When will construction works begin?

A: Construction on the first phase of the project began in August 2021 when hoardings were erected on the north (Cordelia Street) of the site. Following this, works started on the demolition of the Poplar Boys and Girls Club, Clarissa and Aurora Houses in November 2021.


Q: What works will take place during the initial stages?

A: Works will be carried out to prepare the new secure car park on Saracen Street/Hind Grove for market traders, which is expected to be completed early in the New Year. Once complete, the service road on Kerbey Street will be closed to allow the demolition of the existing garages. 

Work will then start on preparing the ground for the buildings that will begin to shape the new Chrisp Street. This will include preparing for the new services and upgrading existing utilities.

This phase will mark the start of the relocation of a number of existing retailers to other parts of Chrisp Street Market. This will also mark the start of the shop front replacement programme along the Festival of Britain terraces on Market Way. 

Works to prepare the vacant shops in Cygnet House (formally the Swan Housing Office) on the east of Chrisp Street started in November 2021, which will include upgrades to existing utility services. These shops are expected to be ready for occupation by existing traders in Spring 2022.

Q: Is the work being phased?

A: Yes, in broad terms there are two phases. Phase 1 will include works on the north side of the site, stretching from Cordelia Street to Market Square. Phase 2 will include the area from Market Square to East India Dock Road.  

Q. When will works be completed? 

Construction works are expected to be completed by the end of 2026.

Phase One, which involves the relocation of some existing shops, is expected to be completed by 2024.

Q. Do you have a timeline on when the new market, shops, parks and other facilities will be completed?

A: Improvements to the landscaping, including market square with the new market, will be completed over a period of time enabling everyone to continue shopping throughout; however, we aim to have all phase 1 completed by Autumn 2024.

Q: What are the site working hours?

A: The site working hours are 8am - 6pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am – 1pm on Saturdays. We will notify residents in advance of any works that may be carried out outside of normal working hours. 

Q: When are noisy works allowed to be carried out?

A: Noisy works are restricted on a voluntary basis to 10am-4pm on weekdays. No noisy works will take place on Saturdays. 

Q: When are construction vehicles allowed to visit the site?

A: Construction vehicles are permitted to visit during 7.30am-6pm every weekday, and 7.30am-1.00pm on Saturdays. 

Q: How will you manage construction vehicles coming into and out of the site?

A: Traffic marshals will guide vehicles to and from the site. Deliveries will take place during allocated time slots. 

Q: Where will vehicles park for servicing and deliveries?

A: Dedicated loading and drop off zones for deliveries and collections will be introduced within the site for businesses and traders, helping minimise disruption to other road users.

Q: How will you be mitigating the impacts of construction?

A: Telford Homes are members of the Considerate Constructor Scheme and have won several awards for their work with residents and communities during construction works. They will work to a strict code of practice during the works, giving the utmost consideration to their impact on neighbours and the public. 


Some of the mitigation methods that will be used are:


  • All demolition activities will follow good practice guidelines. This includes minimising unnecessary revving of engines, turning off machines when not in use, routine maintenance of machinery, and the use of equipment fitted with effective silencers and insultation.

  • A site liaison manager to record, action and investigate all complaints.

  • Noise and vibration mitigation by distance and screening.

Q: Will there be any road closures during construction?

A: It is inevitable that roads around Chrisp Street will be closed for short periods of time to allow for essential utilities works and the installation of cranes, however these closures will normally be at times when the roads are quietest. We will ensure that any closure will be notified well in advance to cause minimum disruption.

Q: Will any parking bays be suspended along Chrisp Street and nearby roads?

Some service road parking currently will be suspended throughout the construction period for the delivery of goods and services to market traders and shops. Traders will be able to use the new car park on Saracen Street as an alternative once completed. 


We expect the supermarket car park will close at the same time as the supermarket in early 2022 to make way for the new shops and homes. 


It is also likely that some residential parking bays in Kerbey Street and Cordelia Street will be suspended to allow construction traffic to access the site. Any suspension will be kept to a minimum.

Q: Will the market remain open during the works?

Chrisp Street Market will remain open during the construction works. The market may be temporarily relocated for a period whilst upgrades are made to the market square but stalls will continue to trade throughout. 


During the works, customers will be able to access the market via the existing entrances on Kerbey Street and Market Square (near Callaghanns and the Clock Tower). If we need to close any of the existing entrances, it will only be one of the existing 5/6 entrances at any one time to minimise disruption.  These will be clearly signed, with advance notice provided. 

Q: Will the works have an impact on deliveries and collections for market traders and businesses?

The Management team have been in consultation with the traders at Chrisp Street to minimise disruption to deliveries, including deliveries made to the front of stores rather than the rear through dedicated delivery points around the site until the new service yards are operational.  

Q: What’s happening with the clock tower?

A: The Clock Tower is now a Grade two listed building. Chrisp Street Developments Limited will be carrying out an options assessment to establish what is possible in terms of planning, health & safety and use. The options will be reviewed by LBTH and a choice made towards the end of phase 1.

Q: Have you got a cinema operator?

A: Yes, we have contracted with Empire Cinemas 

Q: What’s happening to Co-op?

A: The Co-op store and car park have been purchased by Chrisp Street Developments. The Co-op will continue to trade until such time as either the Co-op or Chrisp Street developments serves six months’ notice. This is unlikely to happen until the work programme has been finalised. The proposed scheme includes a replacement supermarket.

Q: Would the car park remain if the scheme does not go ahead?

A:  No, a planning permission has been obtained for the site for a mixed commercial and residential development.

Q: Why is there no parking on the site?

A: Due to site constraints, including the retention of the Festival of Britain properties, it is not possible to get retail parking in place. This is also consistent with the Council’s planning policies for car free development?

Q: Some traders have raised concerns that the lack of parking will have a detrimental effect on the footfall at Chrisp Street and so affect their business – what is your response to these concerns?

A: These concerns became evident very early in our discussions with traders. As a result, we commissioned studies to show the effect of not having dedicated car parking on site. The headline findings of this research are

  1. Currently only 1 in 10 shoppers and residents travel by car

  2. 70% of residents who mainly shop at Chrisp St, walk

  3. 52% of other shoppers also walk

  4. 19% of residents use public transport

  5. 33% of other shoppers use public transport

  6. 1-2% of people cycle

(Research from March 2016, Plus 4)

If unable to park at the Co-op just 1% of all residents stated that they wouldn’t shop at Chrisp Street.

Our research has shown that the majority of users of Chrisp Street either walk from their home or use the existing transport links.

Q: What will happen in-between the Co-op closing and the new supermarket opening?

A: Iceland will continue to trade throughout this period. Options are also being explored to see if an operator will take a smaller convenience store during this period. 

Q: Who will be the new supermarket operator?

A: As of yet we do not have a confirmed operator, but we continue to discuss the opportunities with a variety of operators 

Q: Are the bank and the post office staying?

A: Space has been identified for both in the new scheme, ensuring continuity of trade. 

Q: Are you getting rid of the Pie and Mash Shops? 

A: No, they are both staying, but may be relocating; one to Market Square and one to just a few doors from its existing premises on Market Way

Q: How much rent will the shops be paying?

A: Our Retail Offer documents explain how the rent provisions will work for independent retailers. The key points designed to support our occupiers are: 

  • The rent will be the market rent up until the implementation of planning

  • Once the redevelopment works commence the rents payable by the existing independents shops will be frozen until 12 months following the completion of works to the phase in which their shop is located.  

  • This will enable them to benefit from the redevelopment improvements to their trade prior to the rent being reviewed.

  • At the next rent review the rent will be at the market rent, with an option to step up the rent in some circumstances.​


Q: Once the scheme is finished, will you force out the independent traders?

A: No. Existing shop keepers will have protection on their leases and rents as detailed in the retail management strategy. We have also proposed that a minimum number of shops will only be let to independent retailers in the future. 

Q: What is going to happen to the market?

A: There will be significant improvement works to the market square, including new drainage, power and public realm. There will be more pitches and a new canopy.

Q: Are the council selling the market square?

A: No. The council will retain ownership of the market sq. and remain responsible for licencing the stalls and enforcement once the works are completed.

Q: Will the regeneration gentrify the area?

A: All the existing independent retailers who want to stay will be accommodated in the new scheme and there will be more affordable housing than currently available within the centre.

Q: How much affordable housing is being delivered?

A: The scheme delivers 200 properties for affordable housing, an increase of 82 on what is currently in place. Of these, 131 are available at social rent levels.

Q: Will residents be able to use Poplar Baths?

A: Yes, as members of the public. Chrisp Street does not offer the same leisure facilities as Poplar Baths, but residents will be encouraged to use these nearby amenities and preferential membership rates are being explored.

Q: Will Telford Homes sell all the private units to foreign investors?

A: The Group has a diverse mix of customers including owner-occupiers, housing associations, individual investors and build to rent investors. Marketing decisions will not be made at this time. 

Q: Who owns Chrisp Street Development Ltd?

A: The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telford Homes.  Telford Homes is a Trammel Crow Company developer.


Q: What is the relationship between Poplar HARCA, CSDL and Telford Homes?

A: Poplar HARCA is in contract with CSDL to deliver the regeneration project. Telford Homes wholly owns CSDL.

Q: Why do you need to knock down sections of the centre?

A: In response to Council adopted policy, the design is a comprehensive proposal to solve the current problem of an underperforming district centre while delivering additional homes to support the Council’s London Plan housing targets.

Q: Why isn’t the Council benefiting from the regeneration?

A: The Council will benefit from an increased number of homes that will generate Council Tax and an increased amount of retail/community floor space which will generate an increase in business rates.  The scheme delivers on Council and London Plan priorities by delivering a regenerated district centre that is fit to serve the growing community and need for new homes. The Council will also benefit, at no cost to it, from a newly refurbished Market Square with new trader facilities as well as an improved Idea Store.

Q: Where is Poplar HARCA’s Office going, as it is being knocked down?

A: Poplar HARCA have relocated to the old George Green School building in East India Dock Road

Q: What will happen to Boys and Girls Club?

A: The current building will make way for the new supermarket. The Boys and Girls Club along with the boxing club have relocated to Trussler Hall on Grundy Street.

Q: Are you taking down the trees on East India Dock Road?

A: Yes, these trees will be removed; however, we will be undertaking significant replanting of trees as part of the regeneration scheme.

Q: Who can I contact in case of an emergency?


During office hours: David Manton: / 07816 145572

Out of hours: Knight Frank Help-desk on 01480 484901


For housing-related queries, please contact your landlord. 

OUT OF HOURS please call Diverse Security on 01616 847 773



David Manton: / 07816 145572

Q. How will you communicate the construction plans regularly to local residents?

A: As we progress with the construction programme, we will provide regular updates through our social media and this website.


Notices will also be placed around the site outlining any up and coming activities.

We will also be hosting regular meetings with residents and businesses throughout the works.

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