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Resident information

Since the first centre was built in 1951 as part of the Festival of Britain, Chrisp Street has become home to hundreds of residents. The vibrant local community is part of what makes the area so special, and creating a better environment for Chrisp Street residents is an integral part of the regeneration project.

As part of the Lansbury Conservation area, 43 homes will remain as an integral part of the regeneration and the residents in these homes will not be relocated, and will continue to be residents or leaseholders of their previous landlord, Poplar HARCA.

All other residents in Chrisp Street will need to move home. The majority of affected tenants have already been rehomed by Poplar HARCA, and the few remaining tenants will be rehoused as soon as suitable accommodation becomes available. All secure tenants will be compensated with a home-loss payment when they move to a new home. 

Chrisp Street Developments Limited has been in negotiation with the individual leaseholders to purchase their homes – with offers made at market prices. For more details of the offers made to both tenants and leaseholders please see the links below

Contact details for the relevant officers dealing with Poplar HARCA tenants and leaseholders can be found in the offer documents below.

Private sector tenants on the site will be kept informed of development progress through the website and be given plenty of time to seek suitable alternative accommodation

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