If you have any questions about any area of the Chrisp Street regeneration scheme, please get in touch with the relevant contact below, we’re here to help:
David Manton – Estate Manager
Tel: 07816 145 572
Out of Hours Emergency Tel: 01480 484 901
Employed by Knight Frank, the managing agents are based at the Management Office in Market Square, David heads up a team who are responsible for the overall commercial elements across the Chrisp Street estate including maintenance, health and safety and facilities management. David is the first point of contact for retailers across the estate.
Debbie Loveday – Retail Consultant
Mobile: 07802 736718
Debbie is working to deliver the strategic vision for Chrisp Street Market, working directly with commercial leasehold tenants across Chrisp Street updating or renewing leases to ensure they are in the best possible position to take advantage of the new opportunities that the scheme will present.
Debbie is also looking into options for continuity of trade and logistics during the build stages ensuring that Chrisp Street builds on its success throughout the project and beyond with minimum disruption to traders or shoppers.
CSDL is aware that people may need access to documentation in different community languages or different formats for people who are visually impaired. If you consider this would help, the council has access to translation facilities so please contact them to explore this. Their contact details are below under Other Contacts. If you require the information in a different format due to visual impairment, please contact Simon Carroll via e mail at who will explore suitable options.
Other useful contacts
Poplar HARCA
Tel: 0800 035 1991
Residential tenants and leaseholders should contact Poplar HARCA directly to report repairs or other issues concerning their property or block.
Tower Hamlets Council
Tel: 020 7364 5000
For general information for the wider area.
Tower Hamlets Markets
If you are interested in renting a stall or pitch on Chrisp Street Market or if you wish to give feedback about how the market and its traders operate.
Knight Frank – out of hours
Tel: 01480 484 901
This number is active 24 hours a day and is intended for emergencies related to Chrisp Street only.