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Preparations for this scheme have been in progress for many years.

As part of the regeneration, Chrisp Street Developments Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Telford Homes will be working to transform Chrisp Street into an exciting, thriving town centre.

Construction works have temporarily paused, pending the anticipated receipt of the current planning decision, to refine our designs, as well as review impact of recent consultation on improving fire safety. This will allow us to focus on preparations required to deliver a successful development. Chrisp Street Market and its traders will continue to be open for business.


Permission for the scheme was granted in March 2019, and work is set to begin mid 2021.


The plans for the area include: 

  • Creation of 643 new homes - including the erection of 19 new buildings, ranging from 3 to 25 storeys

  • Demolition of existing buildings – with the exception of the Festival of Britain buildings, Clock Tower and Idea Store

  • Enhancement of the existing market, including a new canopy and market service building

  • Refurbishment of retained Festival of Britain buildings; reconfiguration and replacement of other existing retail premises – including creation of a new cinema;

  • A new community hub

  • Office space, retail, financial and professional services and cafés

  • Ground floor restaurant spaces and a new food store 

  • Upgrade to public open space -  including a children’s play area, new public realm, landscaping works and new lighting with cycle parking spaces (including new visitor cycle parking), and provision of disabled car parking spaces 

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